vineri, 11 iunie 2010

10 months old

:) I was looking at the pictures with little Ashley , she is soooooo cute !!! I am so happy for Irina and Fred. Actually ,it rememded me of Sammy when he was a new born , he was just like an angel .
He is still an angel , only that an angel that makes little "prostii" :)) . Actually my son finds it easy to call me "baba" in stead of mama , which makes me laugh so much . I try to teach him to call me mama , but the only word that he wants to say when he is calling is still "baba" .
He calls David "ta-ta" , and David is so proud :)). he is like " look at my son , he calls me tata " .
I still can´t beleive that he is 10 months old . I seemd that yesterday he was a new born , and he can do all sort of things . My favorite is when he stands up , next to the bed and he looks around him and he wants to walk , he thinks for a moment and then he just figure it out that is to scared to walk all by him self and then he stay down :)) . He is so cute ! It makes me laugh all the time .
Well I guess that pretty soon Iºll have to put some pics too ... but not now because I dont have my camera with me .

Un comentariu:

  1. 1o luni?? wow, ce repede trece timpul...baba, hehe, cred ca e dulce cand zice orice. Abia astept sa vad poze!!! Te pup!
