vineri, 16 septembrie 2011


This week was Samuel first time at nursery ( kindergarten). He is doing very good . First day he was just and hour and he cried like 10 min when we left him there. But he liked it because all day he was saying bebe and Dady ( which we think is Dani , a friend from nursery) . Yesterday he was a little sick and he didnt had such a good day , but I hope that today he well have a better day.
He is aslo learning new words . He started saying aena ( arena - sand) and ave ( aver - lets see) . Also he is saying guade ( guarderia - nursery) .
HE is ve cute !

3 comentarii:

  1. Ania, ce baiat mare aveti tu si Dav! Mi-e dor de voi! Incearca sa scrii mai des pe blog si poate pui si niste poze cu voi 3. Te pup dulce! Bravo Sami! Sper ca se simte mai bine acum.

  2. O sa incerc sa scriu mai des da, si o sper sa pot pun destul de repede ceva poze cu Samuel ! Si noi ne e dor de tine , mai mereu ne amintim de tine!
    Ai doua fetite asa de minunate ! Sa va bucurati de ele !
